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Racó de les Fonts route

Racó de les Fonts route

We propose you an excursion with a great landscape and photographic appeal, with few slopes that will show you some of the most characteristic features of our landscape: the fountains, the old vineyards and the splendid panoramic view of Montserrat, visible from almost anywhere in the village.

The route begins at Plaça de Ca l'Anton, under the Town Hall, and goes down San Pere street to La Fàbrica, where the path of Les Fonts begins and, on El Molí, take the path that follows the route of the drain that takes the water of the Sources until the raft of the Factory. In a corner of the drain, just before a well-cultivated orchard, we cross a small bridge and find:

  • La Balma del Andaló. It is a boulder built under the wide path of the Sources. This construction bears the name of the farmer who cultivated those fields, although it is also well known for the shelter service that he gave to many inhabitants during the Civil War (1936-1939). On the ridge, we find the junction of the path of the Fonts along the path of Les Cases that coincides again with the GR-5. We continue along this track for a hundred meters ascent and then continue along a plain path that borders the Racó de Les Fonts. Throughout this place, we can still see remains of the old crop of the vineyard as well as the two.
  • Barraques de Les Cases. We know that Les Cases farmhouse was already dedicated to the cultivation of the vineyard in 1478 and that its cellar and cups were one of the main riches of this old home. With the image of the Serrat de Rellinars and the constant presence of Montserrat in the background we reach:
  • The Barraca of the Masnou vineyard. Although no farmhouse with this name is currently preserved, we know that it was part of the numerous buildings that existed in this area in the 15th century. The hut, located on a landing in front of Montserrat and surrounded by beams, is a sample of the typical dry stone constructions that can be found in Rellinars: from simple, round, with a false dome and slab threshold, which takes advantage of the to rope that it does to him of back wall. The peculiarity of this barraca resides in the fact that we know the time when it was built and its builder, Tonet de Cal Masferrer, who still remembers that he did it following the instructions of his uncle of Cal Pere Vaquè. It is, therefore, a purely Relay-related work. Very close by, we can also observe remains of the raft with the reed and the laundry to satisfy ourselves. We move forward a hundred meters flat in the direction of the electric line and find another restored vineyard. Opposite the houses of Les Cases we can advance still a few meters by the beams, following some old harnesses, to the east and arrive, already within the limits of the Natural Park of Sant Llorenç del Munt and Serra de l'Obac, at a other hut Behind the vineyard of El Masnou there is a narrow, steep path that goes up to 200 meters until you find the GR-5 again, near the Masia de Les Cases. From here we continue down the path of the electric poles and reach the retaining wall on the stream. At this point, we will find a signposted road that crosses the Rellinars stream through the gorges of the Susanna Baths and takes us to the Font de Carlets. Parallel to the stream, the path continues to False Fountain and:
  • Las Fuentes de Rellinars. It is worth stopping and filling the canteens because the abundant and excellent water of these sources has been one of the best tourist attractions in the town since time immemorial. From here we can continue along the path of the drought, or along the wide path until returning to the starting point.

A route suitable for everybody, with the appropriate clothing and footwear.

Please respect the cultural heritage and the environment.

REALIZATION: With the collaboration of the City Council of Rellinars and Diputació de Barcelona. A network of Natural Parks.

Source: Ajuntament de Rellinars

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